Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Today, J.C. Newman is the last working cigar factory in Cigar City, USA. Different from other factories, their machine-assisted cigars are manned by skilled cigar makers. Many of the dedicated cigar makers have been with J.C. Newman for twenty years or more, perfecting their craft and making the most flavorful value cigars on the market.
Trader Jacks’ Midnight variety features Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan tobaccos. Trader Jacks’ Midnight is cloaked in a tasty Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper as dark as the midnight sea.
Offered in a stay-fresh pouch of 20 cigars, Trader Jack’s bags feature a resealable zipper and eye-catching design. Using innovative humidification technology, these pouches were specifically designed to keep cigars at the optimum humidity.
Available in bundles of 20