Forget all the other so-called monthly cigar clubs. Habana Port hand-selects the most reputable brands while saving the cigar enthusiast money with every assortment. Don't know about cigars? Our Monthly Club will educate you since we include an informational sheet describing each cigar. Our Club strives to arrange each selection by a theme. Past selections included a Nicaraguan Maduro theme and a boutique Dominican theme among others.
Buy 1 month or more or select the recurring monthly subscription option (and easily cancel anytime). Each month, new cigar discoveries as well as must-try standards hand-picked by our founder arrive at your doorstep. You get 1 to 5 cigars depending on the month and theme. What remains the same is the incredible value you get with each delivery.
Every shipment includes an informational sheet describing each cigar. USPS Priority shipping is included with every month's order so you can receive a tracking number for a 2 to 3 business day turnaround time. In order to make sure your assortment of cigars is protected during the shipment, we insert one Boveda 72% 8 gram humidifying pack.
Habana Port's Cigar of the Month Club will satisfy those enthusiasts or cigar beginners craving an insider's look into the industry.