From the Dr. Dan estate comes this Rinaldo Lithos YY. All estate pipes sold as-is.
Pipe Maker Background:
Rinaldo pipes are made by two brothers, Elio and Guido Rinaldo in Pesaro, Italy. Elio began making pipes when he was only fifteen, and his younger brother, who worked with precious metals for jewelry, began making pipes when he was sixteen. There are few families making pipe these days, and these two gentlemen work in perfect harmony in their shop. They initially worked for a large pipe-making company, but branched off to work for themselves in 1987 when they started Rinaldo pipes. Because of his jewelry background, Guido is responsible for making all of their silver bands and accents on-site. They use acrylic stems and finish their pipes either smooth, sandblasted, or rusticated. Working together, the brothers produce around 1,500 pipes annually.