COO: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Habano Nicaragua Rosada
Inspired by Zino Davidoff’s pioneering spirit, Davidoff has made it their mission to delight the aficionado by bringing him the widest variety of taste experiences and cigar pleasures. Their experts constantly explore every opportunity to create diverse ways of ensuring time spent with each Davidoff cigar is time beautifully filled. On this occasion, their tobacco masters were looking for a type of blend that would stimulate both the bitter and sweet taste buds.
This challenge took the Davidoff team on a search for tobaccos that would enable them to create a unique cigar. They embarked on an adventure through the world’s renowned tobacco regions. This relentless pursuit of perfection paid off when they discovered that a blend of the finest leaves, selected from plants grown in the volcanic soil of Esteli, Condega, Jalapa and Ometepe regions of Nicaragua, created just the right balance of bitter sweet notes to tantalize the palate. Davidoff’s unique expertise would turn these leaves into the Davidoff Nicaragua.
Also available in boxes of 12.