From the Dr. Dan estate comes this smooth finish Claudio Cavicchi (CCCC). The grain on this specimen is incredible. All estate pipes sold as-is.
Claudio Cavicchi, a farmer from the outskirts of Bologna, Italy, gained international fame as the world's champion slow-smoker, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. Frustrated with waiting over a year for a commissioned pipe, he decided to make his own in 1974.
While still farming, Claudio crafts around 700 pipes yearly. His briar wood is renowned for its exceptional grain. Claudio offers smooth and sandblasted pipes, each crafted with precision and a unique tool to ensure the smoke hole's accuracy. He personally creates acrylic mouthpieces and grades his smooth pipes from "C" to "CCCCC," with "Perla" and "Diamante" reserved for the most exceptional pieces. Accents often feature exotic woods, occasionally including silver elements.