COO: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Assorted
This 13 cigar assortment of extremely rare Arturo Fuente cigars also known as the Impossible Collection is elegantly presented in a box for the enthusiast of the Dominican-based cigar company. The cigars include:
1. Fuente Fuente OpusX 20 Years Celebration Double Corona
2. Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Lancero
3. Fuente Fuente OpusX 20 Years Celebration Phantom
4. Fuente Fuente OpusX Angel’s Share 2016 Perfexcion X
5. Fuente Fuente OpusX ForbiddenX 13 Perfexcion X
6. Fuente Fuente OpusX BBMF Natural
7. Fuente Fuente OpusX 25
8. Fuente Fuente OpusX BBMF Maduro
9. Fuente Fuente OpusX 2020 Sol d’Amor
10. Fuente Fuente OpusX 2020 Viento d’Amor
11. Fuente Fuente OpusX Perfexcion No. 77 Shark
12. Fuente Fuente OpusX PJ
13. Fuente Fuente OpusX Toy Maker
This item is from the 2022 vintage and was created for La Gran Fumada, a June 2022 party at the Arturo Fuente Cigar Club in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The boxes have been aging at the Fuente warehouse in Tampa since the release in July 2023.
There is a 2023 vintage also labeled as Volume II with a different sampler.