Collection: Miami Cigar Co.
Formed in 1989 by Nestor and Mariana Miranda, the company has grown from a two-person operation into a formidable enterprise that distributes more than 20 million cigars throughout the United States for a host of cigarmakers. In addition to distributing the company's own Nestor Miranda Collection and Tatiana brands, Miami Cigar distributes Toscano's cigar portfolio in the U.S. market.
Nestor Miranda 80th NM80 Danno 7x56
- Vendor
- Nestor Miranda Collection 80th Anniversary
- Regular price
- $25.49
- Sale price
- $25.49
Nestor Miranda 80th NM80 Lancero 7.5x38
- Vendor
- Nestor Miranda Collection 80th Anniversary
- Regular price
- $24.49
- Sale price
- $24.49
Nestor Miranda 80th NM80 Ruky 5.625x48/52
- Vendor
- Nestor Miranda Collection 80th Anniversary
- Regular price
- $22.99
- Sale price
- $22.99