COO: Nicaragua
Wrapper: San Andres Maduro
Foundation Cigars offer limited quarterly production sizes and brands to specially select tobacconists worldwide. These sizes come in unique boxes and packaging to compliment the core portfolio. In addition, they are allocated to accounts that support all of Foundation’s brands.
One example is the Menelik cigar. What started as an event-only brand has shifted to one of these limited quarterly releases. Additionally, Menelik has a San Andres Wrapper, Corojo 99 binder & Nicaragua filler. The Menelik also translates to son of the Wise Man. The biblical victory of David over Goliath has particular resonance with Ethiopia’s proud history as the only African nation to fend off colonial conquest. The Tabernacle blend delivers depth, complexity, body, and flavor in the Menelik extension.
Also available in boxes of 12.